Monday, October 3, 2011

How do I need to pray to get answers?

Sometimes it feels like we "hit the wall" and can't seem to communicate with God.  It feels like we don't know what and how to pray for, desperately wanting and longing for communication with Him.  This is as a result of us lack of being conscious of our needs.  When we pray, we must pray in faith and not with wavering.  James 1:5 tells us that when we lack wisdom, we must ask God that giveth to all mens liberally and He will give it to you without reproach for doing so.  Men have been rebuked for unbelief, but never for having faith.  When you hit the wall, you can use the 7 fold way to prat to get answers:
  1. Pray to your Abba Father, He is the one that made you and knows your hearts struggles;
  2. Pray in the name of Jesus as He is our saviour and He will plea with God;
  3. Pray by the Holy Spirit, since He is our Comforter and route to Jesus;
  4. Pray in full understanding of rights and privileges as servant of God;
  5. Pray in harmony with the Word;
  6. Pray in absolute faith without doubting;
  7. And lastly with praise for God for the fact that He will provide an answer to you. 
Can you see that He has given it all to us?  We just need to become aware of our needs and we need to ask it in faith in a way which exalts God.

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