Monday, October 24, 2011


You are bound to others by God's love.  It is a mutual love and when we really love we won't:
  1. violate the moral law;
  2. deprive any man of his wife;
  3. rob any woman of her virtue;
  4. take the life on anyone;
  5. hate anyone;
  6. take the property of anyone;
  7. rob a man of his good name;
  8. desire one thing of another;
  9. love only yourself;
  10. work ill towards anyone.
We have all sinned and are guilty before God.  The law only condemns but God has provided redemption by faith in Jesus Christ.  We are helpless to save ourselves and all boasting is excluded.  It was God's plan to justify men by providing salvation through Jesus Christ.  Salvation means to be saved, helped, delivered or rescued.  But how can I receive salvation from my sin?  By confession your sin to God, you will receive grace through faith.  His Holy Spirit will administer divine grace to you which will sanctify your spirit and you will believe the truth of salvation:  that Jesus Christ has paid the price for your sin by His death.  This will be followed by a Godly sorrow for the sins you have committed.  Through the process of salvation we will have faith in His blood and faith in His name.

When we are in possession of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit we will receive 3 great blessings:  become a servant of God, is acceptable with God, and is approved of men.  His love puts us in the perfect position to love Him, ourselves and others. 

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